Mission Statement


SCPAC is a group of professional appraisers in SC who will: be proactive in legislative and regulatory issues affecting SC appraisers, promote the appraisal industry as a profession, provide a central source of information to appraisers in SC and meet annually to share cutting edge information for SC appraisers and hold elections for leadership for the coming year.

“SCPAC will actively:

PROMOTE the interests of the real estate appraisal profession in the legislative, regulatory and judicial branches of South Carolina government

PROTECT the public interest by educating appraisers, consumers and decision-makers about real estate appraisal issues

PROVIDE a centralized resource for information of interest to professional real estate appraisers and those affiliated with the profession

CREATE opportunities for SCPAC members to share their leadership, insight, and experience with all real estate appraisers, and related organizations, for the mutual benefit of the profession. “



The name of this organization shall be:



ARTICLE II - Membership

Membership in the SCPAC shall be open to individuals only. There shall be three classes of membership: SC STATE REGULATED APPRAISER, “ASSOCIATE”, and HONORARY “/AFFILIATE”.

SC STATE REGULATED APPRAISER MEMBERSHIP. Must be a resident of South Carolina who is primarily engaged in appraisal activity that is regulated by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.  State or Federal personnel whose employment prohibits them from holding active SC Appraisal licenses and who have met all of the requirements for appraiser licensure in the State of South Carolina are included in this classification as a Special Exception.  This membership has voting rights.

“ASSOCIATE” MEMBERSHIP. Must be a non-resident of South Carolina who is primarily engaged in appraisal activity that is regulated by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. This classification shall be non-voting.

HONORARY/AFFILIATE” MEMBERSHIP. Persons who do not otherwise qualify for SC APPRAISER, yet, have an interest in the real estate appraiser as a profession, or those who do qualify for SC APPRAISER but who cannot be a paying member of SCPAC by virtue of their position as a government employee or regulatory official. This classification shall be non-voting.

Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be SC STATE REGULATED APPRAISER members.  Voting on the affairs of the SCPAC shall be limited to SC STATE REGULATED APPRAISER members.  Members of the SCPAC shall uphold the rules and regulations of the SCPAC, accept the decisions of its various officers, Board of Directors and Committees, and abide by their rulings in connection with the business of the SCPAC.



The annual dues of each membership category shall be determined by the SCPAC Board of Directors.  Annual dues may be reduced by vote of the Board of Directors in the last quarter of any year. A full price membership, paid in December, may be considered payment for thirteen months.  There will be no refunds on dues.


ARTICLE IV - Officers

The elected officers of the SCPAC shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. “President, Vice President, and Secretary” officers will have a fixed progression to assure continuity for SCPAC.  Vice President will succeed the President; the Secretary will succeed the Vice President.  Beginning with the annual meeting in 2009, a new Treasurer “and Secretary” will be elected and the existing officers will assume their new responsibility. Ultimately, no officer will be in office for more than four consecutive years.   No officer shall be paid any compensation for his or her services. “Each officer will sign the Service Eligibility and Policy Statement Forms. Additionally, they are to abide by the Officer & Board Duties.”

The President shall preside at all meetings of the SCPAC, and have general charge of the affairs and business of the organization. The President shall from time to time establish such committees, working groups and task forces as appropriate and appoint members thereto; and shall be an exofficio member of all committees.

The Vice President shall assist the President in the affairs of the SCPAC; be responsible for promoting membership in the SCPAC; and shall undertake any special projects determined by the President. In the absence, refusal or inability of the President to act, the Vice President shall serve as acting President until the President is in a position to resume the duties of the office.

The Secretary shall cause a record of all the meetings of the members to be kept, and shall prepare all records of the Board of Directors; and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the officers or President.

The Treasurer shall ensure the accurate accounting of all income and expenses of the SCPAC and proper safeguards thereto, and shall render a statement of accounts at each regular meeting of the Board of Directors, and at such other times as the Board of Directors may require; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the officers or President.

The administrative duties of the SCPAC shall be administered by a paid position as prescribed by the board.


ARTICLE V - Board of Directors

The governing body of the SCPAC shall be a Board of Directors consisting of thirteen Directors: the elected officers plus nine members of the SCPAC At Large Directors. The immediate Past President shall become a SCPAC At Large Director for a one-year term beginning in 2007. The remaining Directors shall serve for terms of two years, except during the first year of the organization, when an unspecified number of the elected directors shall be appointed for one-year terms. Thereafter, as many Directors shall be elected each year as are required to fill vacancies.  No “At Large” Director shall serve for more than four consecutive years “unless they also serve as an officer”.  Any Director who is elected as the “Secretary or” Treasurer or to any other vacant officer position will automatically vacate their remaining term as an At Large Director.

A quorum for the transaction of business by the Board of Directors shall consist of a majority of members of the Board of Directors.  Business maybe conducted via telephone conference calls and the Internet.  “The Executive Committee will be comprised of the four officers and the Past President. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to review appropriate issues prior to introduction and voting to the full Board of Directors.”

“An Alternate At Large Director position and” all vacancies on the Board of Directors between elections shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to approval by the Directors at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Such appointee(s) shall serve until the next regular election.  The election of the Board of Directors and Officers shall take place at the annual meeting.

“TAFAC Representative” is an SCPAC member that is assigned the position to represent the South Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition at the Appraisal Foundation Advisory Council.  The position is a three (3) year term with one (1) year renewal options at the Board of Directors discretion.  The Board of Directors will elect a representative and one (1) alternate for this position.  The duties and procedures for this position are as outlined in the TAFAC Bylaws.

The position of any member of the Board of Directors absent from two consecutive meetings of the board, without an excuse deemed valid by the President, shall be vacant.  Any member of the Board of Directors found in violation of South Carolina Appraisal law shall be replaced with a new appointment at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.

“Each officer will sign the Service Eligibility and Policy Statement Forms. Additionally, they are to abide by the Officer & Board Duties.”


ARTICLE VI - Nominations and Elections

The Nominating Committee shall consist of five individuals, one of whom shall be the immediate past President of the SCPAC who shall Chair the Committee. The SCPAC President cannot be one of the appointees to the Committee. The SCPAC President shall appoint two members of the Committee. The members of the Board of Directors must elect the remaining two. At least one appointment to the Nominating Committee shall be a member a large.  No member of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible as a nominee. Appointments to the Nominating Committee shall be made at least ninety days prior to the annual meeting of the SCPAC.

The immediate Past President shall automatically become a SCPAC At Large Director for a one-year term.  The immediate Past President, after their Director term, or a Director after serving two consecutive terms may not be elected as an Officer or Director until a full year has passed.  

The SCPAC Nominating Committee shall propose a new “Secretary and” Treasurer offices and director nominees for election by the general membership of the SCPAC. The slate shall include at least one nominee for each office and director positions to be filled in any year. The proposed slate of nominations shall be sent to the general membership at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting.  

Additional candidates for these offices may be placed in nomination by a written petition sent by US Mail to the current mailing address of SCPAC. Written Petition Candidate Nominations must be post marked at least 45 days prior to the annual meeting date.

Any candidate nominated must be a SCPAC SC State Regulated Appraiser member in good standing and must have agreed in writing to serve.

The election is to be conducted at the annual meeting.  The final slate of Officer(s) and Directors shall be elected by a vote of the majority of the eligible members present.  The SCPAC Nominating Committee will be responsible for counting the ballots and insuring that those voting are eligible to vote. Those candidates who are elected shall be installed at that the annual meeting.  Each Director will sign a Service Eligibility and Code of Conduct Forms. Additionally, they are to abide by the Officer & Board Duties and Conflict of Interest Policy.


ARTICLE VII - Meetings

The annual meeting of the SCPAC shall be held in first quarter of each year, the date, place and hour to be designated by the Board of Directors by September 30PthP. General membership meetings of the SCPAC shall be held as scheduled by the Board of Directors.  If a meeting is called at any other time, notice shall be given to every member entitled to participate in the meeting at least ten day preceding such meeting.

The Board of Directors shall meet at the annual meeting of the SCPAC and quarterly each year. Additionally, meetings of the Board of Directors or general membership meetings may be called at such other times and places as the Board of Directors shall designate.

A quorum for the transaction of any business brought before the general membership of SCPAC shall be a majority of the Members present and eligible to vote.


ARTICLE VIII - Procedures

The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the procedures at meetings of the SCPAC, the Directors, and the committees, except when in conflict with these Bylaws.


ARTICLE IX - Chapters

A chapter of SCPAC may be established, maintained, or reactivated by SCPAC members in a local region. The program shall meet uniform criteria and shall use the Chapter Bylaws model determined by the Board of Directors.

A group desiring to form a chapter shall petition the Board of Directors of SCPAC. Eligibility requirements shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The qualifications of such petitioning groups shall be examined by the Board of Directors. A three-fourths vote of the Board of Directors shall be required for a chapter to be created.

A chapter must have at least three officers representing the functions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, elected from among its active student members.

Each chapter, through its officers, shall make an annual report to SCPAC Board of Directors.

Each chapter shall register new members at least once each year.

Each chapter shall have a Chapter Liaison who is a member of SCPAC, chosen by the chapter, who will act as liaise to the SCPAC Board of Directors.

Each chapter shall have chapter by-laws. This SCPAC Bylaws shall take precedence over chapter bylaws, and no provision in the bylaws of any chapter shall be contrary to the SCPAC Bylaws. Each chapter shall have full charge of its activities within the limits of the SCPAC Bylaws.

The name of the chapter shall be determined by the local chapter.

Chapter dues shall be determined by the chapter.

To remain an active chapter, a chapter must induct members on an annual basis, shall file all required reports with the SCPAC Board of Directors, and shall conduct at least two meetings annually. Chapters failing to comply will be placed on the inactive list.


ARTICLE X - Dissolution

SCPAC shall use its funds only to accomplish the Purposes stated in these Bylaws, and no part of its funds shall inure or be distributed to the members of SCPAC. Upon dissolution of SCPAC, the residual assets shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified organizations to be selected by the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE XI - Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at any meeting, at which a quorum is present, provided such proposed amendment or amendments shall be plainly stated in the call of the meeting.

Notice, made at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting,  or by US mail or email, with email receipt verification, of all meetings at which such amendments are to be considered and shall be given to every Director at least ten days prior to time of the meeting.

Adopted: January 17, 2006

Amended: January 30, 2008

January 27, 2010

November 12, 2013

November 13, 2014